Curriculum Intent 


What will my child learn at WSA? 

Many things!

Education at WSA aims to be exciting, stimulating and challenging, providing for all the children a wide range of learning opportunities based upon the local environment, first-hand experience, observation and problem solving. The teaching and the work set are matched against the abilities, attainments, needs, interests and experiences of the children.

The school aims to ensure that the whole curriculum is fully inclusive and that each child is matched to age, ability and aptitude so that effective learning can take place.

All children at WSA have access to a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which links directly to National Curriculum objectives. We inspire our children with exciting cross-curricular topics and interesting, challenging lessons so that they enjoy learning and develop high aspirations for the future and positive learning behaviours. Our curriculum offers a continuum of knowledge and skills building up over time so that children ‘know more and can do more.’

We aim to provide an education that enables people to live life in all its fullness and fulfils the words of Jesus in John 10:10: “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly.”

Our intention is to provide pupils with the essential knowledge they need to be educated citizens, introducing them to ‘the best that has been thought and said, helping them to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievements.’ (Primary Future Initiative)

 We are really proud of the engagement and support from our families as many encourage extra study at home.

Maths         -          Maths Mixed Y1/2        Maths Mixed Y3/4            Maths Mixed Y5/6

Early Reading & Phonics -   (How to say Phase 3 sounds  /  How to say Phase 5 sounds  / Sounds Introduced in Phase 3  / Phase 2 grapheme information sheet Aut 1  / Phase 2 grapheme information sheet Aut 2)

Art & Design Technology

British Values





Music Development Plan Summary


Physical Education

Primary Languages

Pupil Voice

Religious Education


Sex & Relationship Education



National Curriculum


EYFS Curriculum

Statutory Framework for Early Years September 2021

Creative Curriculum

The Creative Curriculum

KS1 Curriculum Overview 24/25

KS2 Curriculum Overview 24/25

KS1 Science Rotation

KS2 Science Rotations

RE Whole School Rotations

PE Rotation KS2

KS1 PE Rotation