Wootton St Andrew’s Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School 16.11.22
Full Governing Body
Chair: Revd Alan Wright Ex Officio Governor
Vice Chair: Kathryn Hewson (Foundation Governor)
Headteacher: Ruth Zaitschenko
Teacher Governor: Angela Storer
Foundation Governor: Helen Danson
Foundation Governor: Anne Morgan
Foundation Governor: Professor emeritus Christopher R. Wilson
Foundation Governor: James Cook
Local Authority Governor: Susan Thompson
Parent Governor: Shelley Rising
Parent Governor: Emma Nawaz
Local Authority Clerk: Paula Faid
Finance Committee
Ruth Zaitschenko
Angela Storer
Shelley Rising
Anne Morgan
Curriculum & Target Setting
Ruth Zaitschenko
Angela Storer
Sue Thompson
Anne Morgan
Premises, Health & Safety
Helen Danson
Kathryn Hewson
Shelley Rising
Ruth Zaitschenko
Pay & Personnel
Alan Wright
Helen Danson
Other committees
For all other committee the first three governors available with no vested interest will make up the committee.